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dot Transforming Debt Collections


The Challenge

The United States Postal Service (USPS) manages over $10 million annually in delinquent debt. The United States Department of Treasury reporting requirements dictate an agency must maintain accurate records of their outstanding debt including placement and collections data. Tracking of the USPS debt in an automated format was the only solutions to this monumental task.

How Segundo Helped

Segundo reviewed the problems facing the USPS and designed a customized solution using open interface architecture and an innovative design that allows for future expansion and changes in the USPS business. The result was a ‘bolt on' to the Oracle Financials Accounts Receivable module that tracks debt across multiple collection agencies. In addition, application provides user security at multiple levels allowing each user to access as much or as little information as they wish based on their access level. All interfaces to the application have been automated with updates to Treasury occurring on a regular basis. Standard reports have been designed that allows the USPS to determine percent collection for each collection agency and track debts at each collection agency as a whole or individually, all in an automated and real-time environment.

Innovation Delivered

Segundo used its open/scalable design methodology to ensure the USPS could use the debt collection module in an ever changing and expanding environment.The module allows for multiple collection agencies to be added or deleted at any time and allows multiple/changing users to access data based on their ever changing criteria.



dot Automating Industrials


The Challenge

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) had numerous legacy systems for financial, procurement, material management and project management. Particularly, the USCG was unable to appropriately track costs and inventory relating to the repairs of ships, boats, etc. The USCG was tasked to be in compliance with Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act and governments Anti-Deficiency Act when approving Purchase Requisitions and Materials.

How Segundo Helped

Segundo performed data mapping between the legacy systems and the Oracle Federal Financial applications. In automating Industrials, Segundo implemented the functional and technical designs for Oracle Project Accounting, Oracle Accounts Payable, Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Inventory. Thereby ensuring accurate financials data is integrated with Oracle General Ledger and Departmental Accounting and Financial System (DAFIS), Department of Transportation's (DOT's) official system of records.

Segundo also developed a solution so that USCG complies with the government's Anti-Deficiency Act. The Anti-Deficiency Act precludes the government agency from over spending its budgets. The funds check solution ensured that every cost charged to a project has been funded and therefore as a compliance with the Anti-Deficiency Act that each and every project are not overcharged.

Innovation Delivered

Segundo designed and developed a number of custom extensions to comply with the integration between Oracle Federal Financial applications and DAFIS. Segundo used its open and scalable methodology to deliver such extensions. Particular emphasis was given not to customize any standard table and thereby ensuring the ease of future upgrades.

As a compliance with the Anti-Deficiency Act, Segundo developed a real time funds check solution within the Oracle Project Accounting module. By employing pre-insert triggers functionality the funds check solution can be invoked from inventory issue, purchase requisition approval or any other application screen. There are three elements to the funds check solution, project budgets, total cost, and potential charge. Segundo designed and developed custom views to analyze budgets at the lowest, top and project levels. Subsequently total cost analyzed actual costs and commitments. The commitments accounted for all costs not currently reside in Oracle Project Accounting including transactions awaiting transfers due to systems process. The commitment cost calculation excluded open purchase requisitions as one of the legislation compliance tests. Therefore, prior to transacting a potential charge to a project/task relationship, the funds check solution compares project budget against total cost by rolling up the costs at the appropriate budget level. If the transaction is unsuccessful, a rudimentary error is displayed. Segundo implemented such solutions across USCG sites through out the United States.

Also the USCG passed Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act audit and as a result Segundo employees honored by the USCG for their outstanding contributions.


dot Small Solutions


The Challenge

Provide Vitria Technology, Inc. (Vitria) with quick turnaround to critical financial reporting data in a cost conscious environment.

How Segundo Helped

Like many companies today, Vitria requires financial data quickly in order to make important decisions which effect their organization. Tightening of budgets can mean reduced personnel to accomplish the tasks necessary to provide information to senior management when it is needed. Segundo stepped up to the plate to provide a cost effective, value based solution to Vitria at a critical time. Segundo provides firm fixed priced rate to each project based on the complexity. The cost of each project cost is known to Vitria upfront and Vitria can make a quick determination of the projects value and contribution to its bottom line. Upon acceptance of the project cost and schedule completion date, Segundo was able to apply its resource base to accomplishing each task ahead of schedule. Segundo's warranty also provided Vitria with peace of mind that if the delivered products were not to be working as specified; the code would be fixed quickly and efficiently at no additional cost to Vitria.

Innovation Delivered

Segundo provided Vitria with a cost effective and value based solution which allowed them to accomplish mission critical tasks at a specific set price in a short period of time.



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